New Theatre Helsinki Festival
In February, Svenska Teatern is opening its stage to a unique collaboration with New Theatre Helsinki Festival. The first edition of the New Theatre Helsinki Festival challenges us with the question Who belongs to Finland. The programme is rich, the languages are many, the artistic content is compelling and the variety in forms of artistic expression is extensive. Theatre, dance, puppetry, stand up, poetry, music, discussions, and workshops are all featured at the festival. This 2023 edition, Who Belongs to Finland, is a unique collaboration between Svenska Teatern and New Theatre Helsinki. It takes place at Svenska Teatern from February 18th to March 11th, 2023. Welcome!
Opening Gala
Join us at the festival gala – The Citizen of Helsinki as we celebrate a stunning cultural buffet of dances, poetry, theatre, stand-up, and music. You are invited to be part of this special art feast! The host of the gala is Jamie MacDonald, who is a Canadian-Finnish queer, transgender nuisance who has been performing on Finnish and international stages since 2004, and who's made himself a household name in the red-green bubble. Svenska Teatern - Stora-scenen | Sat 18.2 at 19.00
Double Bill: Patriotic Body: Training & 2nd Skins
Patriotic Body: Training is a dance solo where the performer researches patriotism through their own body. They ask how one can address the effects of war on the body, which belongs to the aggressor country. 2nd Skins is a solo performance presents a sophisticated animal, a human, in bodily dialogue with other skins. The skins are animal and alien; jointly familiar and strange at the same time. A delicate state of being emerges where the creature is concurrently attentive to itself and the environment. Svenska Teatern - Nicken-scenen | Tue 21.2 at 19.00
S2 – Kanninen, Jimeno, Boitcova
Being an immigrant, having a bicultural family, being queer within the biological family structures, having and losing homes and connections; these themes are explored and projected through a multicultural, queer lens. S2 is the first collaboration of this working group. Its members, Anneli Kanninen, Yoandy Jimeno, and Vera Boitcova, are queer, multicultural art makers who work towards boosting diversity and equity in the art scene. Performers: Anneli Kanninen, Yoandy Jimeno and Vera Boitcova. Svenska Teatern – Nicken-scenen | Thu 23.2, Fri 24.2, Sat 25.2 at 19.00
State of Things (installation)
Unusual inhabitants will settle at Svenska Teatern during the New Theatre Helsinki Festival. A kettle and a toaster, a vintage table and a floor lamp, a jacket and a suitcase that have seen it all. The objects are scattered around the theatre, they found cozy corners and regardless of being slightly shy, you’ll find them very willing to tell their stories. This installation is created specifically for Svenska Teatern and the festival. Svenska Teatern | Tue 28.2 at 16.00, Tue 7.3 at 17.00
Lamento Imenso | Helsinki
How can a memorial narrative which appears to be “auto-“, “bio-“ and “graphic”, without being “autobiographic”, be staged? How can one speak about incomprehension and disappointment when there are no (more) victims to blame? This performance enters the world of a love letter intertwined with a farewell letter. Text, dramaturgy, and performance: Rogério Nuno Costa. Svenska Teatern – Nicken-scenen |Tue 28.2, Wed 1.3 at 19.00
17 1/2 Wrong Movements
Performers from two well-toured international theatre groups; momentarily distanced from the rest of their groups in Helsinki. The right people in the wrong country? Or the opposite? This production is a collaboration between Engineering Theatre AKHE and KREPSKO theatre group, two long-lived theatre companies. Both groups have created their own, special theatre worlds and performed in over 30 countries, being awarded at several festivals. Svenska Teatern – Nicken-scenen |Fri 3.3, Sat 4.3 at 19.00
Pizza Pizza Karagöz
A traditional Turkish puppet theatre, nearly 700 years old, takes the stage for the first time combining traditional and modern styles. Karagöz is unemployed, as always, and Hacivat finds him a job in Finland. Karagöz takes orders in a pizzeria. The orders are made in different languages and the customers have various special requests. Karagöz gets all the orders wrong and things become a mess. How can order and harmony be restored? This is a performance about coexistence which uses pizza as the metaphor. Svenska Teatern – Nicken-scenen | Mon 6.3 at 18.00
Liebe(s) Europa Dear Europe/a
An intimate theatre monologue that unveils the writer´s personal experience living in Finland as a foreigner. The trigger of the monologue goes back to 2020, when borders were closed within Europe, due to the pandemic. The events took the writer on a journey to realise her alienated separation from her family, leading her to ask questions about the myth, history, and identity of Europe. Director and writer: Juliane Mikkonen. On stage: Daria Trenkwalder. Svenska Teatern – Nicken-scenen | Tue 7.3 at 19.00
Shamans – A Story about Friendship and Magic
With the help of the audience, the three main characters will discover the magic of friendship and diversity. This multilingual and interactive play is a homage to shamanism, magic, and friendship.
FinNomads consists of theatre professionals of Finnish and foreign backgrounds. Director and playwright: Ilaria Tucci. Performers: Leandro Lefa, Taru Huokkola, Jalal Hajali. Svenska Teatern – Nicken-scenen | Thu 9.3 at 18.00, Fri 10.3 at 18.00, Sat 11.3 at 14.00
March 4 at 10.00
- Theatre of the Future - Youth workshop
Venue: Luckan, Yrjönkatu
March 4 at 15.00
- Panel discussion: Building Bridges: The Diversity and Inclusion in the Performing Arts in Finland and in the Nordics
Venue: Luckan, Yrjönkatu
March 10 at 13.00
- Homeward workshop: Contemporary Narratives on Finnish Stages
Venue: Luckan, Yrjönkatu
February 20-24.02.2023 time is 10-16 (Registration closed)
Venue: Post Theatre Collective
Lisätietoja ohjelmasta/For more information about the program:
Pääkaupunkiseutu on täynnä upeita vapaa-ajan kohteita ja tapahtumatarjontaa riittää vuoden ympäri.
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