People's Climate Mobilization
Kansainvälinen tapahtuma ilmastonmuutoksen torjumiseksi. Liity Helsingin kulkueeseen sunnuntaina 29.11. klo 13.00!
A global event to fight for our climate. Join us for the march in Helsinki on Sunday 29 November at 1 pm!
Ett internationellt evenemang för att motarbeta klimatförändringen. Delta i marschen i Helsingfors, söndag 29.11. klockan 13.00!
Are you ready to make history?
The people’s climate march – version 2015 – is soon upon us. Last year, as the world’s most powerful leaders sat down in NYC to outline what sort of measures should be taken to safeguard our future and environment, we marched to show them that we simply cannot continue on the path of destruction humans have knowingly walked for decades. We demanded ambitious goals, large-scale measures to cut down greenhouse gas emissions, as fast as possible since we have already waited far too long. Climate change does threaten our environment and countless life forms, but the consequences of this destruction are also clearly perceivable as social and economic issues, among others. That means that this does indeed concern everyone, not only those who care for nature, and so we united to show politicians our will.
Last year was just the start. As said, only the outlines of future actions were on the agenda. This year, at the UN Climate conference in Paris (30.11-11.12), our leaders will gather once more, only this time binding commitments are the theme. The impact this single meeting can have on our future is gigantic, and so this is the conference that really matters and its significance can’t be stressed enough. We are running out of time and the time for change is now. Most previous climate talks have been a failure, and we are here to make sure this time will be different.
So as a response to all this, the People’s climate march will be organized this year as well! The stakes are much higher this time, and even though last year’s march was a climate event of unprecedented scale, this one needs to be even greater, something truly historical. So, will you join us?
Event program?
We are still polishing the details, but if everything goes as planned and we get the required permits, the day should look about as follows:
13:00 - Gathering at Narinkkatori, speeches, activities
13:30 - March (Narinkkatori -> Simonkatu -> Mannerheiminkatu -> Aleksanterinkatu -> Senaatintori)
14:00 - Taking photos to be sent and shown in Paris, more speeches, musical performances
The idea is that there would be politicians, scientists, NGO representatives and perhaps even celebrities speaking. We will keep you up to date on the details.
How will this help?
The goal of this event, as with most political rallies and demonstrations, is to create political pressure and ensure that the right decisions are made. The world of politics can be scary... The pressure the world's most powerful people are constantly exposed to is unimaginable. The fossil fuel lobby is without a doubt among the most wealthy and powerful lobbies out there, and it will be difficult for decisionmakers to do the right thing. We gather and march to show our leaders that we want ambitious commitments to cut down greenhouse gas emissions, thus putting an end to climate change, and that we support them in the tough decisions that they inevitably have to face.
The People's climate march was referred to several times last year during the UN climate summit in NYC. Politicians kept thanking the vast crowds who participated for their support, saying that such a large call for action simply cannot be ignored. Our march in Helsinki will work both on a local and a global level. Politicians and media will directly see our will here, but that's not all. We will take some great photographs during the march and send them to Avaaz, who will then show them on enormous screens in Paris. This means that you or your banner could be directly seen by the leaders of over 190 nations!
We are not alone. Currently there are 6000 planned events all around the world, with 300 000 people attending all together. This is going to be the largest climate mobilisation to date, and it's just what we need!
How can YOU help?
1. Join the march!
2. Spread the word. Together we stand strong, our power is in numbers. You can share this event, invite your friends... But the most effective way is often to tell them in person!
3. Volunteer and help us organize and plan all of this! We have a wonderful network of people and a lot of experience from last year, but we are few in number. Post below and I'll contact you or send me a private message if you want to help!
Any questions? Suggestions? Ideas? You can post below, send me (Sebastian Österman) a private message or contact us at !
Pääkaupunkiseutu on täynnä upeita vapaa-ajan kohteita ja tapahtumatarjontaa riittää vuoden ympäri.
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