7Th Heaven Lab Independence Day Party
For all Dancers , Music Lovers, Freaks and Open Minded People, and , for everybody who want to share this very special evening !!!
London, UK (Holophonic Records)
Bill Halsey, the producer behind Cosmosis (and anniversary..sideproject Mumbo-Jumbo) is a former professional session guitarist from London. During this part of his musical career he played with countless bands playing Rock, Funk, Jazz, Blues, Pop and Hip-Hip, touring Europe and Australasia.
Bill says : "Being a session muso was a game of extremes; some of the bands that I played with contained some of the most incredibly talented musicians that I ever had the pleasure to blag my way onto a stage with. On the other hand many of the bands were way beyond bad and I ended up having to commit some of the most heinious musical crimes known to man on a very regular basis - in the name of making a living..."
Bill honed his writing and recording skills by composing and and recording pop tracks for over ten years before finally becoming involved with creating pure electronic music.
Now as much in demand to compose music for picture as he is for live appearances to play his particular brand of tongue-in-cheek, full power Psy-Trance music on dancefloors quite literally all over the globe.
During the last 12 years of touring Bill has played Cosmosis' music to ecstatic crowds in such diverse places as:
Japan, Taiwan, Brazil, Israel, India, Bali, Germany, Australia, New Zealand, Colombia, United States, Egypt, Switzerland, Sweden, Hungary, Slovakia, Denmark, England, Spain, Ireland, Canada, Serbia, Scotland, Belgium, Finland, Holland, Greece, South Africa, Russia, France, Turkey, Cyprus, Mexico and Portugal and plays regularly in many of these countries
He is currently involved in cooking up the new Cosmosis album, Watch this space ...
Bill now divides his studio time between making full power dance music in his studio, lazing about in a hammock with his acoustic guitar in the back garden and touring the Cosmosis show on dancefloors and festivals worldwide.
? ? ? SAMADHI - SPACE SYNTH LIVE SHOW ? ? ? - RU/ - (Hill Top Records)
Samadhi is a pioneering psytrance artist from St. Petersburg Russia, one of the founders of famous Russian promo group Shanti Sound System and first radio show dedicated to psychedelic music in city called Shambala.
He started djing since 1996 and producing his own music since the begging of new millennium. His first releases were on legendary Russian labels De Ja Vu and Vertigo in 2004 - 2005. Then Ilya moved to live in Goa for last few years and made a lot of gigs across Asia as well as many gigs around Europe in countries like Germany, Italy,France, Poland, Finland, Austria, Slovakia, Turkey, Estonia,Norway including big festivals like VooV 2009, Existance 2012 , Sonica 2013 ,Chill out planet festival and others.
Samadhi have released his split album with Fungus Funk on Blitz Studios and many tracks on compilations on important world labels like DISCOVALLEY REC, ACID DANCE REC, HILL TOP RECORDS, PURPLE HEXAGON RECORDS,SANGOMA RECORDS .
IN Goa based studio with his friend dj Nirmal he is running another project as Trippy trail collaboration works together with artists like Parasense ,Psymetrix, Stranger,Tristan , Dickster, Ajja , Aphid Moon, Arjuna and many more . He did couple remixes on legend old school tracks like - teleport by Man with no name , Mind Fog by Chromatone, Mahadeva - by Astral projection , Klunk-by Green Nuns of the Revolution and many more which may be gona be released may be only for live shows as special part which u can hear only in real time of his performance !!!
In production he prefare to use hardwear original synthesisers and equipments !!!
? ? ? SOLADRIA? ? ? (Sangoma Rec, Vertigo Rec.) - LIVE
? ? ?AVARA (Blue Hour Sounds) B2B HAILANDER? ? ? (Metsafestival)
? ? ? YONAGUAL? ? ? (Zenon Records)
? ? ? DDA (6-Dimension Soundz) ? ? ? LIVE
? ? ?CALAMAR AUDIO (Antiscarp Rec.)? ? ? LIVE
? ? ?SCUM UNIT( Antiscarp Rec.)? ? ? LIVE
? ? ?MELUFANTTI (Antiscarp Rec.)? ? ? LIVE
? ? ?SUMUAMUSEL (Trance Bum ) ? ? ?
First time in Finland
Vj ? ? ? HAJAMIELI? ? ? ( POTB)
Precission Audio Premium2
16€ - pretickets from Cybershop (Hki railway station)
17€ - Lippupalvelu + delivery fee starting from 2,5€ = min. total price 19,5€ http://www.lippupalvelu.fi/event/145049
20€ - Door
Age 18
Event in klubitus:
7th Heaven Lab
7th Heaven Lab is a crew, focusing on bringing cutting edge sounds and visuals into the Helsinki circuit and beyond. Formed by a love for he powerful and visionary sound of psy-trance when it gathers thousands of thousands of people together as one to experience the collective dream of cybershamanism in the 21st century. . With an eye on the positive, deep and hypnotic sounds pulsing into our world from around the world.
For last years we bring to our scene Aphid Moon, AJJA,Dsompa, M-theory, Mole, Avalon, Hypnocoustics, Parasense, Unitone, Sensient, Psymmetrix, Asimilon, Aguarius, Nigel, Dissosiactive, Nanjiala, Arjuna, Teo and many others
We are creating a new reality and alternate the future... Heaven is optional but highly preferable!
Contact: 7thheavenlab@gmail.com
7TH HEAVEN LAB at facebook
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