Söndag Jazz 2014
Produced in collaboration with the Red Bull Music Academy, we are proud to present Sunday’s Söndag Jazz Jam Session line-up with the highly acclaimed Ladi6. She's joined by local live set by The Irrationals and feat support by Tuomo, Sara Sayed and Ekow.
The comprehensive line up of foreign and domestic artists lead the way to the late-night jam sessions where even the audience has a chance to take part in. So bring your instrument or at least yourself, because we welcome wild and free improvisation with all our heart.
LIVE: LADI6 (NZ) (Red Bull Music Academy)
Ladi6 is a singer with soul. A singer with a hip-hop background and masses of pop- appeal.
A singer who first gained attention through her features with the legendary New Zealand export-band Fat Freddy’s Drop, but who has also performed alongside such diverse artists as Gil Scott-Heron, Mayer Hawthorne and Mos Def. In short: A singer whose eyes have seen much and whose style is not governed by rules. As if that wasn’t enough, her enormous charisma enables her to win her audience over within minutes with full support of her band of Parks and Julien Dyne (BBE).
The 30-year old has always endeavored to use music to tear down barriers and dissolve purported genre-boundaries. With her previous album, “Time Is Not Much” (BBE) which was produced by Parks and Mu (Fat Freddy’s Drop), Ladi6 has already taken a perfect shot at her goal, which, combined with the interplay between the many diverse elements of the music, has a highly impressive effect. “The Liberation Of...” has already top the New Zealand independent charts for consecutive weeks and her single “Like Water” is the #1 independent New Zealand song on radio.
Ladi6, a New Zealander of Samoan origin, feels a deep connection to her homeland. And her homeland has suffered some tragic events in recent years: One and a half years ago, the South Sea paradise of Samoa was stuck by a Tsunami. Ladi6, whose real name is Karoline Tamati, was present when the wave of destruction arrived. A few weeks ago an earthquake, measuring 6.3 on the Richter scale, devastated the New Zealand city of Christchurch – the town in which her family lives. Again, Karoline bore witness to a natural catastrophe inflicting deep wounds on the soul of a population.
Ladi6 has been called "New Zealand's answer to Erykah Badu. Ladi6 has collaborated with many New Zealand musicians and bands, including Fat Freddy’s drop, Shapeshifter and Scribe.
The Irrationals is a wild bunch of well marinated specialists whose unorthodox caravan brings you a good deal of hip-hop flavored rhythm music moving from kebabrock to rautalanka, from foxtrot to bashing garage sounds with a self-made attitude all easy to dance to.
Started as a hip hop duo by Tyko Haapala and Totte Rautiainen, the band found its final form a couple years ago when the other guys joined in, all highly respected in the Finnish field of jazz, blues, rock and hip-hop.
Released on 7th September 2011, the bands debut album "Hold Your Horses" climbed all the way to the 14th position on the official Finnish album chart and was highly acclaimed among the national music press.
A music video for the second single "My Baby" was shot by Pablo Films. The video is a tribute to all the bass players in the Galaxy and on it you can find 32 bassists from Finland.
Tuomo (Tuomo Prättälä) is a Finnish soul and jazz singer, pianist, songwriter and producer.
Tuomo has published three solo albums My Thing (2007), Reaches Out For You (2009) ja My Own Private Sunday (2010). In addition to his solo career Tuomo has contributed in several different bands as singer, producer or songwriter, for instance Quintessence, Q-Continuum, Ilmiliekki Quartet, Emma Salokoski Ensemble, Huba and MP4.
Sara Sayed is a young vocalist, singer and songwriter from Helsinki, Finland. She has already a fixtured in the local scene through her many collaborations like for example Rime, where Sara is main vocalist. Couple of years ago Sara Sayed relesed solo album. This gloriously soulful debut album, released in April 2011 on Texicalli Records.
The Megaphone State has become rapidly the #1 hip hop act in Finland and is also gaining respect internatonally. Soulful beats and Ekow's unique rhyme delivery on top make you doubt that the guys really are from Finland and the year is 2013 - not 1994. Nowadays there are only a few who can make throwback hip hop in a fresh way but The Megaphone State can manage that very well. In mBar Ekow and DJ Leo Luxxxus from The Sky Is Ours crew are getting their thing together again bringing an exclusive and classy MC/DJ -combo. Nothing but dope verses, mind blowing freestyle and that ill turntablism flava with scratching and double rocking! While Ekow leaves you with your mouth open with his rhyme delivery brings Leo Luxxxus those raw beats that make you nod your head 'til the neck hurts. You can't even be sure what to except. But be sure it's all for the pure love of the culture and people. Feel free, don't front and get down with the good vibes!
Finnish Hip Hop producer and crate digger BennyBen collects mainly jazz and funk from 70’s. He loves all kind of styles from 70's and 80's, especially when it is deep fried funky and bit right way twisted.
Fat funk oriented breaks, jazzy improvisation of instruments and soulful melodies are things you probably will hear DJ BennyBens sets. Of course there is also bit hint from the 80's and 90's rap and Hip Hop movement too.
Aleksi Myllykoski is the club host of Söndag Jazz at mbar. He is a versatile dj and cultural producer. Aleksi Myllykoski started his musical career in the late eighties as a young boy with a passion for music as well as a dream of becoming a professional DJ one day. This passion turned into Aleksi’s career in 1996. Aleksi has been a professional dj for 18 years in his homebase, Helsinki, the capital of Finland.
Pääkaupunkiseutu on täynnä upeita vapaa-ajan kohteita ja tapahtumatarjontaa riittää vuoden ympäri.
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